Contemplation * Fierce * How things are * True Nature * Wise
Affective Emotions * Affective Emotions * Affective Emotions
easist to identify * Summary * Nonself * SEEKING * RAGE * FEAR * LUST * CONNECTION * CARE * PLAY
Butterfly * Dog * Dog chasing ball * Hawk * Lemur * Snake * Snakes * Squirrel * Turkey
Brooding over faults * Dream * Gratitude * Joyful Mind * Outer Circumstance * Unborn Awareness
Attraction and aversion at once
… creates us * Exercise * Not the object * Take care of …
Awareness is magic * Awareness is magic * Awareness Is Magic
Enlightened Futility * High Altitude Meditation * Implications for Meditation * Objectless Awareness * Signs of Clear Awareness
 Bhante Vimalaramsi
First Interview * Forgiveness * Smiling and relaxing
Biases: 172 cognitive distortions
Contemplation * Cultivating … * Examples
Overview * Ch 1: From Stubborness to Ease * Ch 2: Beginings * Ch 5: Thriving in Difficult Times * Ch 10: Joy: the First Jhana
 Carlos Castaneda * Carlos Castaneda * Carlos Castaneda * Carlos Castaneda
Emptying * Skepticism * Speaking Thru Us * Using All Faculties * Wise Being
One on One Exercise * One on One Exercise * Video
1st, 2nd, & 3rd person perspectives * 1st, 2nd, & 3rd person perspectives * 1st, 2nd, & 3rd person perspectives * 1st Person internal * 1st Person internal * 2nd Person relational * 3rd Person external * and God * Art, ethics, science * Bootstrapping our development * Circle of caring * Cp Awareness * Cp Perception * Expanding * Happiness * How it effects the world * Stages * Stages: Tribal * Stages: Self-centrism * Stages: Traditional * Stages: Modern world-centric * Stages: Post-Modern Pluralism * Stages: Integral Transrational * Stages: Second Tier * What consciousness is * What is it anyway?
Craving (see tanha)
Defilements * Defilements * Defilements
Demon’s Blessing * Demon’s Blessing
Dependent Origination * Dependent Origination * Dependent Origination * Dependent Origination
Bhava * Birth of Action * Causes not effects * Chanda * Charge * Clinging * Clinging * Early vs later text * Endearing * Endearing * Feeling tone * Habitual Tendencies * Jaramarana * Jati * Kalaha and Vivada * Meditation * Nested dolls * No links * No wheel * Not fate * Phassa * Piya * Quarrels and Disputes * Raw Sensation * Reverse engineering * River * Sata Asata * Signal * Six Rs * Stability w/o Concentration * Subtle * Suffering * Tanha * Tanha * Thinking * Triggers and Causes * Upadana * Vedana * Vedana
Dhamma Sukha
Bio (very short) * History with meditation * Ministry
 Emotion and Thought * Forgiveness * Gross, Subtle, and Very Subtle
Equanimity * Equanimity * Equanimity * Equanimity
Dispassion * Nerual physiology * Operational definition * vs. disinterest
Being human * Boo * FEAR * Immediate … * Relationship to Joy * Looming * Nebulous * Unclear
Forgiveness * Forgiveness * Forgiveness * Forgiveness
Cultivating * Cycle * Cycle: Gut * Cycle: Gut * Cycle: Hands and Feet * Cycle: Hands and Feet * Cycle: Head * Cycle: Head * Cycle: Heart * Doesn’t mean it’s okay * Doesn’t mean no change * Doesn’t mean OK * Doesn’t mean OK * Easier when spoken well of * Feeling of * Feeling of * Forgiving Others * Forgiving Ourselves * Freedom and Forgiveness * Guided Reflection * Idealism gets in the way of * Impatience gets in the way of * Letting go of hurt * Meditation * Meditation * Meditation * Meditation * Meditation when stuck * New Year’s Resolutions * Outflowing * Patience * Practices * Reconciliation * Reconciliation * Release * Seeing the essence of a person * versus condoning * versus New Year’s resolutions * Video * Vulnerability * When someone hurt us * When we hurt ourselves
Four Ennobling Truths * Four Ennobling Truths
8 Fold Path * Abandoning tension * Developing * Ennobling, meaning of * Not a catechism * Realizing cessation * Understanding suffering
 Getting ourselves out of the way * Getting ourselves out of the way
… are tied together * Dhamma Gifts * Dhamma vulnerabilities * Non-dual
1st Person internal * 2nd Person relational * 3rd Person external * and Consciousness * Is God Real? * Map * Map * Paths to God(s) * Phenomenologically Real * Ultimately Real
Aligning and listening * Cautions * Doorbell visit * If you were wiser * Image of wisdom * Shift in attitude * Simple questioning
Heart Barnacles * Heart Barnacles
Hindrances * Hindrances * Hindrances * Hindrances * Hindrances (see Fear)
… as a stone * … like the back door * … want to retire * Angels with Asperger’s * Attraction and aversion at once * Big five * Crossed intentions * Doubt * Elation * Excessive Effort * ExcessiveEffort * ExcessiveMeditationOnForms * Fear * Fear * Five … * Hindrance attack * Impersonal * Inattention * Lobha, Dosa, Moha * Longing * Nivarana * Self and Other * Seriousness * Sloth and Torpor * Split between self and other * Staleness * Stickiness * The problem with … * VarietyofPerceptions * Weak Effort
 Impersonal * Impersonal (see Selflessness)
Inner Goodness * Inner Goodness
1. Experience * 2. Vedana * 3. Dissolving Suffering * 4. Endearing * 5 Dependent Origination * Experience
Insight Meditation Society (IMS)
Attitude * Future … * Identification * Mood * Neuroscience of … * Present … * Strength of … * Two kinds
Isolation and Resilience (see Resilience)
Jhanas * Jhanas
Absorption * First Jhana overview * Piti and Sukha * Tranquility Jhanas * Video
 Buddha’s reason for teaching … * Expansion as remedy * Hyperthymesia * Meaning of term * Not always about us * Past Life * Tension * Three essential practices
Kindness * Kindness * Kindness
Gentle Presence * Staying Power * Vows * and Wisdom
Knowing something you can’t explain
Larry Rosenberg * Larry Rosenberg
Latent Tendencies * Latent Tendencies
 Meditation Practice
Beginning Instructions * Beginning Instructions * Bootsrapping * Breath Awareness * Cavern Metaphor * Dropping * First Jhana * Fuzzy Don’t Know Mind * How long to sit * How practices self-destruct * Joy * Nested Dolls as Dependent Origination * Object of Meditation * Preparation * Radiate Wellbeing * Sending Metta * Sending metta to yourself * Shift from “What?” to “How?” * Six Rs (also see Six Rs) * Six Rs * Six Rs introduced * Spiritual Friend * Spiritual Friend * Struggle * Tranquilize * Vertical aspect
Compared to One-Pointedness * Individual and universal * Individual vs. Universal * Metta practice less peaceful? * Peacefulness
Do we have a mind? * Mind Needs a Job
Nivaranna (Hindrances) * Nirodha
Tumble-the-chair * Rocket Ship
Nonself * Not a thing * Summary
Precepts * Precepts * Precepts * Precepts
Balance * Dilemma * Killing * Killing * Killing * Killing ants, rats, and termites * Never of the hook * Spiriituality in action * Stealing
 Can’t change past * … and larger whole * Little influence over … * … is natural * ... and patience * wisdom knows limitis
Community * Explained * How they help * In the Buddha * In the Dhamma * In the Sangha * Wording
 Sankhara (see Concepts)
Sanna (see Perception)
As time * Identifying with experience * Meaning of “anatta” * Navigator, not pilot * No unchanging … * Selflessness and self care * Self Improvement * Tanha * Where is self experienced?
Connection to peril on earth * Development of * Evolution * Experience in everyday life * Experience of absence * Not awareness * Recogninze experience in everyday * Shadows in the Mirror * Video
Sengstan * Sengstan * Sengstan * Sengstan
6 Reflect * 7 Respond * Rolling the R’s * Video
1 Recognize * 2 Release * 3 Relax * 4 Re-Smile * 5 Reflect * 6 Repeat * Abbreviated * Five Ss * Introduction * Re-Smile * Recognize * Relax * Release * Repeat * Return * Rolling the Rs * Wise Effort * Rolling the Rs
Social Commentary * Social Commentary
Social Creatures * Social Creatures
Spectrum of Awareness * Spectrum of Awareness
Content * Field of Awareness * Implications for Meditation * Nothingness * Processes * Qualities * Summary * UpsideDown
Stephen Levine * Stephen Levine
10-meter platform * 100 and Counting * A Bird Thought I Was a Flower * A Negative Comment Rumbles Inside * A wonderful tool * Ah so * Ah so * Aikido in Tokyo * Angulimala * Bad plane ride * Billy * Bird in the Basement * Bird in the Basement * Boo-ism * Broken Glass * Buddha leaves the palace * Cancer and peace * Cave * Cavern candle light * Colicky Baby * Crunchy Knee and Mindfulness * Death of a friend * Detective and serial killer * Dog chasing ball * Dolls * First visit to Dhamma Sukha * Garden Perfection * I spam therefore I am * I’m Nobody * Jackie and the Way-Cool Glasses * Jacob and the Demon * Josie and the Turkey * Joy and Depression * Jumping off a wall * Laurence est mort! * Lemur-like ancestor * Lively Talk with Trees * Lonely in Sacramento part 1 * Lonely in Sacramento part 2 * Mother Adopts Her Son’s Murderer * Movie of your life * Permission to be Happy * Poke Him in the Eye * Pre-Dawn in the Ozarks * Prisons as Ashrams * Purposely Unmindful * Purposely Unmindful * Rail road width * Recipe for a Human * Serenity * Star Trek -- trap * Stones in the Dryer * Stoplight and a Road Race * Stuck on tarmac * Suzie * The Eagle Who Thought He Was A Chicken * The Fisherman and the Not-So-Luminous King * Three Winged Bird * Tree fort * Two Snakes and a Butterfly * Vision of Past Lives * Water goat * Welcome to the Ozarks * Where babies come from * Where do babies come from * Zadok the Tailor * Zelda
Experience * Managing signals w/o…
Angulimala * Anupada Sutta * Bahudhatuka (MN 1150 * Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta * Kayagatasati Sutta * Lonaphala: Lump of Salt * Lonaphala: Lump of Salt * Majjhima Nikaya 26.25 * Samma Ditthi * Samyutta Nikaya 42.1 * Samyutta Nikaya 56.11 * Satipatthana * Satipatthana Sutta * Sutta Nipata 4.11 * Upakkilesa (MN 128) * Samyutta Nikaya 22.95
 Dealing with tanha * Meter * Recognizing * Triggrers of …
Ajahn Tong * Bhante Vimalaramsi * Bhante Vimalaramsi * Bhante Vimalaramsi * Choyam Trungpa Rinpoche * Corrado Pensa * John Travis * Joseph Goldstein * Larry Rosenberg * Larry Rosenberg * Mingyur Rinpoche * Ram Dass * Seung Sahn * U Tejaniya * U Tejaniya
Evolving Self * Evovling Spirituality
Three Essential Practices * Three Essential Practices
Abandoing tanha * Nirodha * Realizing Nirodha * Understanding dukkha
Thriviing in Difficult Times (also see tanha)
Transformation * Transformation
Turning toward * Turning toward * Turning toward * Turning toward
U Tejaniya * U Tejaniya * U Tejaniya
Vedana (see Feeling Tone) * Vedana * Vedana * Vedana
As a signal * Connection vedana * Freedom * Painful vedana * Pleasant vedana * Step Child * tanha * Vedana meter * Vedana meter 2.0
Vimalaramsi (see Bhante Vimalramsi)
Vinnana (see Awareness)
Calm Abiding * Choiceless Awareness * Concentration * Counting 100 breaths